On May 22, representatives of the Pan Kurchak Agro-Industrial Group visited the Ostroh Academy National University. The visit was carried out in the framework of the signing of the Agreement on Cooperation between Agropromgroup and the educational institution. According to…
On May 16, Agropromgroup “Pan Kurchak” took part in the “Career Fair of future specialists of APC-2012”, which took place at the Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after S.Z. Gzycki. Students and teachers of the university…
The agro-industrial group “Pan Kurchak” continues to create new jobs in Volyn and expand its production. Recently, an oil production plant was opened in Turiisk. It now produces up to a hundred tons of plant products from sunflower or rapeseed.…
On April 24, an open day was held at the Western Agrarian Company (ZAK). The guests were students of the Lokachyn branch of the Ovadnivsky Vocational and Technical Lyceum and participants of the meeting of the Volyn section of pedagogical…
On a sunny spring day, April 11, a real holiday came to the attention of five Volyn families. On this day, they were visited by representatives of the Agro-Industrial Group “Mr. Kurchak” in order to fulfill a pleasant mission –…
As part of the cooperation between APG “Pan Kurchak” and the public organization “Volyn Regional Hospital Fund” a free preventive medical examination of employees of Agropromgroup.