Agro-industrial group “Pan Kurchak” starts cooperation with scientists of Ostroh Academy

Agro-industrial group “Pan Kurchak” starts cooperation with scientists of Ostroh Academy

On May 22, representatives of the Pan Kurchak Agro-Industrial Group visited the Ostroh Academy National University. The visit was carried out in the framework of the signing of the Agreement on Cooperation between Agropromgroup and the educational institution.

According to the agreement, the cooperation will consist in the development of the Department of Documentation and Information Activities of applied recommendations and projects for the company, internships and internships for students with further employment.

“Scientists of our university have great potential and an equally great need to apply theoretical knowledge in practice,” said the head of the Department of Documentation and Information Serhiy Shturkhetsky. “Therefore, the desire of business to meet research institutions can be seen as a positive step.”

During the visit, students and teachers of the university were shown a demonstration film about the Agropromgroup “Pan Kurchak”, and a specialist in career guidance APG “Pan Kurchak” Elena Markova told about the personnel policy of the company, and answered questions of interest to those present.