Agro-industrial group «Pan Kurchak» is a modern, vertically integrated company operating in the Ukrainian market since 1994.
Today, the Agro-Industrial Group «Pan Kurchak» is an obvious sample of the modern industry
where the very best progress of Ukrainian and foreign specialists is turned into reality.
All the operating resources of the Agro-Industrial Group «Pan Kurchak» are located on the territory of Volyn region (Ukraine). It permits quickly and effectively to monitor the product quality throughout the production process, make changes needed in the system of B2B and establish new business units as well as to be immediately alert to the market requirements.
Growing of cereals and industrial crops
Compound feed industry and distribution of feed concentrates
Breeding of the inventory of male parents and setting of broiler chickens
Growing of broiler chickens and production of poultry meat
Growing pigs
High-tech processing of pork meat, production of sausage and smoked meat products
Follow the latest news from the agroindustrial group, delicious recipes and interesting materials.