New “clothes” for the fleet of “Agrotechnics” Ltd.

New “clothes” for the fleet of “Agrotechnics” Ltd.

The beginning of the working week… while everyone was just starting to adjust to the multitasking mode, the team of Agrotechnika LLC was already racing in the village. Turiisk, where a powerful feed mill is located. Ask for what?

The fleet of Agrotekhnika LLC is quite large, consisting of cars and trucks for various purposes. It’s time to update the look of our KAMAZ. After all, in order for each vehicle to serve for many years, it is necessary not only to systematically inspect and repair, but also to take care of the “appearance” of the car. And the driver is much more pleasant to drive, and the farmer, who will be waiting for the grain truck, will be sure that they came for his harvest.

Thank you to our partners and friends of JV “Yaniks” for help!

Sincerely, Agrotechnika Ltd.