The production resources of the «Pan Kurchak» Agroindustrial Group are located in the Volyn region (Ukraine). This allows you to quickly control product quality, as well as create new divisions and quickly respond to market requirements.
«Western Agrarian Company» and «Teraplus» LLC have a total sown area of over 10,000 hectares in the Volyn and Rivne regions.
«Agidel» LLC is one of the most modern and largest incubators in Western Ukraine in terms of keeping parent stock, raising chickens.
«Poultry complex Gubyn» LLC is an enterprise that works in the following areas: poultry growing, production and sale of poultry meat.
«Vera-1» LLC is engaged in the cultivation of meat pigs. There are breeding and fattening complexes at the enterprise.
«Novovolynsky Meat Processing Plant» LLC is a high-tech pork processing, production and sale of sausage products.
Agro-industrial group «Pan Kurchak» is a modern, vertically integrated company operating on the market since 1994.
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